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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an opposed application for a postponement. The application was granted in open court and reasons were given ex tempore in the presence of the parties and their legal practitioners. This was on 20 May 2013. More

The plaintiff issued summons out of this court claiming against defendants the cancellation of a contract of sale of flat number B012 Odzi Court between itself and the defendants and costs of suit. The plaintiff stated in its declaration that on 5 February, 2001 parties entered into an agreement in terms of which the plaintiff appointed the second defendant as its agent to find purchasers for its property situate at Stand No. 18336 Harare Township also known as Eastview Gardens. It was an implied term of the agreement that in discharging the mandate, the defendants would disclose their interest in... More

This matter raises issues that have been canvassed in such cases as Benson Samudzimu v Dairibord Holdings (Pvt) Ltd HH 204/10, Sibangilizwe Dhlodhlo v Deputy Sheriff of Marondera & Ors HH 76/11, Ericson Mvududu v Agricultural and Development Authority HH 286/11 and Gaylord Baudi v Kenmark Builders (Pvt) Ltd HH 4/12. More

The applicant filed a Court Application on 25 February 2005, seeking an order compelling the respondent to surrender to it a lap top computer and accessories and a motor vehicle all fully described in the application. The application was duly served and the respondent filed a notice of opposition out of the time limits prescribed in the rules of this court. Despite notice to the respondent to regularise her papers, nothing was done to uplift the automatic bar against the respondent resulting in the matter being properly set down before me on the unopposed roll. More

The accused was arraigned before the magistrate at Kadoma on a charge of culpable homicide as defined in s 49 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Cap 9:23]it being alleged that on 21 June 2010 at Rimaunga Estate, Macheke, the appellant unlawfully caused the death of ChristopherRice either negligently failing to realise that the death might result from his conduct or, despite realising that death might result from his conduct, negligently failed to guard against that possibility. He initially pleaded guilty but his plea was later changed to one of not guilty. He was then convicted after a... More