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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant who is a registered owner of the piece of land as described above, some time in 2022 applied to a provincial town planning Mashonaland West for a sub-division permit which application is attached as Annexure B to this paper. In response he was advised that the land had been acquired by the Respondent as per government gazette attached as Annexure E. A perusal of the second Government Gazette attached as Annexure D shows that the property was acquired for agricultural purposes on the 6th of April 2012 in accordance with section 16B of the amended Zimbabwe 1980 Constitution.... More

The applicants approached this court seeking a declaratory order to the effect that the cancellation of agreement of sale set in motion by the first respondent be declared to be of no force or effect. Alternatively, the applicants prayed for the confirmation of the cancellation of the agreement of sale coupled with the prayer for reimbursement of the total instalments paid as part of the purchase price. More precisely the applicants prayed for the relief expressed in the following way: More

The applicant is a holder of a lease agreement with the fourth respondent in respect of Stand number 5098 Saturday Retreat, Harare (the property). The applicant has been paying rentals to the fourth respondent in terms of that agreement. The applicant claims that the first and second respondents, who are members of the third respondent invaded the property and built structures thereon. This was done without the permission of the applicant and the fourth respondent. The applicant has instituted eviction proceedings against the respondents which proceedings have been defended. The applicant believes that the respondents have no bonafide defence to... More

On 1 August 2018 this court dismissed an application for absolution made by the defendant. The defendant appealed to the Supreme Court against this court’s decision under case number SC 421/19. The Supreme Court made the following order- “IT IS ORDERED BY CONSENT THAT: 1. The appeal is allowed with costs 2. The decision of the court a quo is set aside 3. The matter is remitted to the court a quo for determination of all the issues that were placed before it” More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the Magistrate sitting at Harare Magistrates Court. The parties entered into what is termed a BOT agreement, which is a Build, Operate and Transfer agreement. Essentially the agreement is encapsulated in a document at p 46 of the record. More