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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff, Zimbabwe United Passenger Company, better known as ZUPCO issued summons in 2006 for the eviction of the defendants or any persons occupying the premises through them, to vacate premises known as No. 9 Hood Rd, Southerton, Harare. ZUPCO also sued for costs jointly and severally on a higher scale. More

The applicant brought a claim in terms of the Trademarks Act [Chapter 26:04], the Act , to interdict and restrain therespondent from infringing rights flowing from its trademark,passing off its services and an order for removal of infringing marks and related getups or any confusingly or deceptive similar trademarks from all matter in its possession or control. More

: This is an appeal against part of the judgment of the Magistrates Court which dismissed Claim A of the appellant against the respondent but awarded claim B as claimed. The parties had entered into an oral agreement in terms of which the appellant would transport defendant’s container from Kariba to the Democratic Republic of Congo in exchange for payment in United States Dollars into the appellant’s nostro account More

Respondent sued a non-existent company. The Registrar of Deeds and Companies confirmed in his letter of 4 October, 2013 that: More

The applicant is the registered owner of a property known as stand number 35 Vainona Township of Vainona Harare. The said property was purchased from one Tonderai Tarima who, at some point, tried to litigate to reverse the sale and transfer of the property to the applicant. More