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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant is the holder of an offer letter in respect of subdivision 8 of Galloway in the district of Mazowe in Mashonaland Central Province. He is involved in a vicious land dispute with the first four respondents hereinafter referred to as the respondents. None of the respondents has an offer letter relating to plot 8. The second and third respondents claim occupation through one Gweshe the holder of an offer letter to plot 9. On 17 February 2011 the applicant obtained default summary judgment against the respondents under Case Number HC 5434/10. The respondents subsequently filed an application for... More

The appellant pleaded guilty to a charge of culpable homicide as defined in s 49 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23]. He was after conviction, sentenced to 24 months imprisonment of which 9 months was suspended on condition of future good behaviour. In addition he was prohibited from driving for two years. More

Applicant approached this court in terms of s 92B (3) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] (The Act) seeking that, the judgment of the Labour Court in case number LC/H/585/21 handed down on 8 April 2022 as judgment number LC/H/89/22 and as varied by the Supreme Court Order SC 380/22 handed down on 28 October 2022 be registered as a judgment of this court. More

The plaintiffs sued the defendant for payment of $54 000 plus interest plus costs of suit. The claim is based on unjust enrichment. The plaintiffs alleged that sometime in 2008 they entered into a verbal contract with the defendant for the supply of shared phone sim cards. The parties also had a separate written agreement separate from the verbal one above. More

In the year 1995 plaintiff married defendant in terms of customary law. They had apparently commenced living together prior to the formalization of the union in terms of customary law. On 31 March 2000 their marriage was solemnized in terms of the Marriages Act, [Cap 5:11]. The marriage still subsists. The marriage was not blessed with any child. On 8 April 2008 the plaintiff filed a suit seeking a decree of divorce and other ancillary relief. The plaintiff alleged that the marriage had irretrievably broken down to such an extent that there were no reasonable prospects of the restoration of... More