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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff issued summons against the defendants claiming payment of US$13 868.90 for car rental charges due to the plaintiff and interest thereon at the rate of 3.5% from 1 April 2016 to date of full payment. The undisputed facts are that the first defendant entered into a car hire agreement with the plaintiff in October 2015. In terms of the agreement he was issued with a motor vehicle a Ford Everest that he used and was expected to make payments. He failed to do so until the motor vehicle was withdrawn from him. The plaintiff had to seek the... More

This plaintiff issued a summons against the defendant claiming payment of an amount just under US$11 000-00. It also claimed the costs of suit on the higher scale and collection commission. The defendant filed a plea, in substance denying that it owed the plaintiff the sum alleged, or at all. It also alleged, among other things, that the plaintiff’s suit was unnecessary and precipitate given that the parties were in continuous discussion with each other and that the defendant was steadily liquidating the outstanding amounts on the plaintiff’s invoices. The defendant further questioned the propriety of the plaintiff claiming both... More

Plaintiff and Defendant were married on 28 June 1991. The marriage was blessed with three children, Tafara David Zhou (born 15 October 1992) (Tafara), Ruvimbo Charity Zhou (born 23 December 1997) (Ruvimbo) and Rugare Ndovisai Zhou (born 18 October 2009) (Rugare). Plaintiff issued out summons for divorce and ancillary relief on 20 September, 2019, on the grounds that the marriage relationship has irretrievably broken down to the extent that it can no longer be salvaged. In her declaration she stated that one of the children, Rugare is still a minor and given that Plaintiff has been staying with her in... More

The applicant and the third and fourth respondents are embroiled in a mining dispute, which involves a mining claim known as Victory 100 “A”, Registration Number 42 931, Banket, Mashonaland West (the mine). The applicant holds a certificate of registration in respect of the said mine, which was issued on 20 July 2012. The third respondent on the other hand holds an offer letter in respect of a farm known as Subdivision 2 of Verblyden of Dunphaile in the Zvimba District of Mashonaland West Province (the farm). The offer letter was issued on 10 February 2020 and measures 87.50 hectares... More

The plaintiff and the defendant were married to each other in terms of the Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11] at Ruwa, Harare on the 14th March 1987. Their marriage was blessed with three children who are now all adults. After a period of about 20 years of married life the parties separated in December 2007 when, due to circumstances she could not withstand anymore, the plaintiff left the matrimonial home. More