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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against the decision of the learned Magistrate in terms of which respondent was granted custody of his two minor children following the breakdown of the parties unregistered customary union sometime in May of 2009.The breakdown of their marriage had resulted in respondent moving out of the matrimonial home in Queensdale, Harare. Appellant remained behind and respondent continued to pay rentals for his wife and children as well as maintaining them. The couple had been blessed with twin boys who were seven years old at the time of the parties’ separation. Sometime after separation, respondent says he... More

The appellant approached this court challenging the whole judgment of the Harare Magistrates Court based on four grounds of appeal which are as follows: “1. The court a quo misdirected itself at law when it ruled that the court a quo has jurisdiction to hear the respondent’s claim in the main matter. 2. The court a quo also erred in that it failed to find as a fact that the appellant’s explanation for the default when he failed to enter an appearance to defend is reasonable and that the bona fides of his defence on the merits of the case... More

The applicant approached the court seeking an order in the following terms: 1. The Respondent gives vacant possession of Stand No. 13424 Unit “N” Seke Chitungwiza within 14 days of this order being served on him. More

This is an opposed application for the upliftment of a bar in terms of the R39(4)(a) of the High Court Rules 2021 arising from the applicant’s failure to serve the other party their notice of appearance to defend timeously. More

The applicant is the father and natural guardian of two boys, Tendayi [or Tendai] Chinyama, turning 19 years in June this year, and Jayden Chinyama, turning 10 in November. In January 2017 the applicant had the boys enrolled at the second respondent school. It is a private school. The first respondent is employed by the school as Legal Officer. The third respondent is the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education. It has not been explained why he has been cited in these proceedings. More