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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff and defendant married on 28 June 2002 in Finland. No children were born of this union. In December 2007 the plaintiff moved out of the matrimonial home and on 30 April 2008 he issued summons out of this court seeking a decree of divorce and other ancillary relief. The defendant opposed the claim on the basis that the marriage had not broken down. She also claimed movable property and an immovable property known as Stand 9 Dorset Road, East Avondale Harare. At a pre trial conference held before a judge in chambers the defendant applied to amend her... More

As the background of the case unfolds, the plaintiff sued the defendant on 18 August, 2014. He claimed the following relief against the defendant: (i) $100 000 being general damages for pain and suffering for injuries which he sustained in a car accident which occurred on 14 March, 2014. The accident, according to him, was caused by the sole negligence of the defendant. (ii) $3 664.17 being medical expenses (iii) $15 000 per month being future medical expenses – and (iv) costs of suit. The defendant engaged Nyawo Ruzive Legal Practice. This entered appearance to defend on 26 September, 2014.... More

The applicant seeks an order, in terms of s 3 of the Deceased Persons Family Maintenance Act [Cap 6:03] (“the Act”) that Stand 140 Upper East Road be awarded to the minor child Beatrice Maloya (“Beatrice”). More

The parties were married in terms of the Marriage Act, [Chapter 5:11] on 24 December, 2005. Two minor children namely Donnel Munesu Mandienga, born on 1 June 2006 and Diana Mutsawashe Mandienga born on 5 December, 2009, were born out of the marriage. The plaintiff issued summons on 16 July, 2013 claiming a decree of divorce and ancillary relief on the ground of irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. More

On 18 November 2021, the appellant’s appeal against eviction from property known as Stand No. 11740A Harare Road, Mbare was dismissed. The judgment was given ex tempo. The appellant has appealed to the Supreme Court against the dismissal of his appeal and has requested the full reasons for dismissal in writing. More