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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
. The plaintiff and the defendant started staying together in the manner of husband and wife in 1998 under an unregistered customary law union. On the 14th June 2001, their marriage was solemnised in terms of the Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11]. Their marriage was blessed with two children of whom one is now an adult whilst the other is still a minor. More

This application is a sequel to the urgent application in case No. HC 5075/2008 in which the 1st and 2nd respondents were granted an order restoring to them access to the farm and ejecting the applicant from the farm. The background to that case is that the applicant was issued with an offer letter by the 5th respondent permitting him to occupy the farm. He moved onto the farm. The 1st and 2nd respondents filed the application in Case No HC 5075/08 alleging that the applicant was interfering with their occupation of the farm and therefore seeking an order for... More

This is a double sale situation. On 4 April 2002 and at Harare the plaintiff purchased the right, title and interest in a certain piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury called stand 7872 Warren Park Township of Warren Park. It is a residential stand measuring 1 012 square metres. The seller was the 1st defendant (Saltana), represented by the 2nd and 3rd defendants (the directors) in the transaction. The purchase price was the sum of one million two hundred and fifty seven thousand and five hundred dollars ($1 257 500). This amount was paid in full. Despite... More

The first plaintiff and the defendant are husband and wife respectively. They married each other in terms of the Marriage Act [Cap 5:11] at Harare in April 1998. Hitherto the parties had contracted a customary law union. The second plaintiff the Anti-Corruption of Zimbabwe was joined in the proceedings in terms of Order 13 r 87(2)(b) of the High Court Rules 1971 on account of the dispute involving a motor vehicle between the first plaintiff and the defendant. The first plaintiff issued summons out of the court on 21 June 2010 seeking a decree of divorce and an order of... More

The applicant was the acting Chamber Secretary of the City of Harare. He was charged in this court with Criminal Abuse of Duty as a Public Officer, a crime defined in s 174(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. He was jointly charged with three others namely: - Hebert Gomba (first accused), Stanley Ndemera (second accused) Hosiah Abraham Chisango (third accused). He was the fourth accused person. The allegations against the applicant and his co accused were that they acted in concert and with common purpose to unlawfully, intentionally and corruptly sell a certain immovable property... More