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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
After hearing argument in this application for condonation by a barred party, I dismissed the prayer and gave reasons ex tempore. I now furnish written reasons at the request of applicant. More

I heard this matter on 17 March, 2021. I delivered an ex tempore judgment in which I granted the plaintiff’s claim as prayed in the draft. On 23 April, 2021 counsel for the defendant wrote requesting for reasons for my decision. These are they: On 3 August, 2016 the defendant executed an acknowledgement of debt in favour of the plaintiff. It acknowledged its indebtedness to the plaintiff in the sum of US$31 780.8 and in a further sum of ZAR 458,799.8 together with interest at 10% per annum. It paid off the sum of US$31 780.8. It left the balance... More

This is an application for a spoliation order pursuant to applicants’ conviction for contravening the Gazetted Land (Consequential Provisions) Act [Chapter 20:28]. Having been convicted and sentenced on 26th January 2010, they were also ordered to vacate the land not later than 5.00 p.m on 27th January 2010. The basis of the present application is that the applicants were forcibly dispossessed of the land by first to sixth respondents. More

In this action the plaintiff seeks the eviction of the first defendant and all those claiming occupation through him from the immovable property known as subdivision 1 of Reinfield, situate in Makonde, Mashonaland West Province. The plaintiff also claims costs of suit as against the first defendant only. More

The first applicant herein after referred to as the Grantor is the registered owner of certain six mining claims situate in the district of Shamva being: Name Registration Number Dodge 1 1990/ 1 BM Dodge 2 20079/80 BM Dodge3 11392 BM Dodge 4 11541 BM Dodge5 11542 BM Dodge 6 15737 BM. More