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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This matter was referred to me as a Chamber Application on 22 July 2013. After perusing papers filed of record, I ordered as follows; More

On 10 May 2011 the defendant excepted to the citation of a non-existent entity by the plaintiff in action proceedings in the present matter. The plaintiff issued summons out of this court on 14 January 2011 in HC 389/11 seeking US$5 364-00 in unpaid levies, interest at the prescribed rate and costs of suit. An appearance to defend was filed on 14 February 2011. Further particulars requested on 2 March were furnished on 7 April 2011. Amongst the particulars that the plaintiff declined to provide was one on the legal status of the defendant. The exception was served on the... More

This is an application made under the mandament van spolie for an order for eviction of the respondents and all those acting under or throughthem from Stand No. 19034 Parkridge, Kuwadzana Township Harare. Further that, an urgent interdict is also made interdicting respondents from interfering with the applicant’s activities on the said stand and ancillary relief as provided in the Draft Order. The applicants aver that the application was necessitated by respondents who forcibly took possession of the stand from second applicant. More

This was an application for rescission of judgment granted by this Honourable Court on 28 September 2016. This court dismissed this application and the following are the reasons why the application was dismissed with costs. More

The applicant municipality seeks an order compelling the respondent to release its plant, machinery and equipment which it avers is unlawfully in the custody of the respondents. More