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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant seeks an order of rei vindicatio. It seeks recovery of its property namely- motor vehicle, a Toyota Hilux Double Cab Registration Number AAE 7098, HP 450 laptop, Samsung Galaxy S5 and a Samsung tablet 4 presently in the possession of the respondent without the applicant’s consent. More

On 31 January 2017 I ruled that the application placed before me was not urgent. The applicant has asked for the full reasons for my decisions. These are the reasons as pointed out to the parties on the date of the ruling:The applicant is a municipal authority duly established in terms of the law. The first respondent is a duly registered commercial bank. The second respondent is cited in his official capacity. The applicant and the first respondent were engaged in a dispute in case No. HC 6800/15. The court action reached a pre-trial stage whereat the parties entered into... More

This is an application for confirmation of the provincial order granted by this court on 6 September 2016. The respondents contest the confirmation of the provisional order. More

This is a chamber application for dismissal for want of prosecution in terms of Order 32 r 236 of the Rules of this Honourable Court. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an interdict. The facts are as follows:- The applicant requested for land from the eleventh and twelfth respondents. The request was granted and the applicant allocated the land to 1 3000 applicants on its waiting list on a pre-service sale basis. The beneficiaries contributed towards the development of the land in terms of the applicant’s procedures. A project known as Nyatsime Housing Project Scheme (NHPS) was established in 2005. The development has now reached the stage of sewer pipe connections, water connections and putting of roads. More