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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This judgment is pursuant to an application for absolution from the instance made by the defendant at the close of the plaintiff’s case. The plaintiff is a male adult who is into the business of farming and is based at Elephants Walk Farm in Karoi. The defendant is also a male adult and director in an entity called Sensan Investments (Pvt) Ltd, which operates from number 24 Seke Road, Harare. On 13 December 2021, the plaintiff caused summons to be issued out of this court seeking the following relief against the defendant: More

The plaintiff sued the defendant herein for damages for malicious prosecution. The relief sought is set out in the summons and declaration as follows: “The plaintiff’s claim is for: damages in the sums of: a) ZWL $18,000,000.00 arising from the malicious prosecution and abuse of proceedings by the defendant together with interest at the prescribed rate from the date of judgment to date of payment in full. b) USD$6,100.00 being provable legal expenses charged by the plaintiff’s legal practitioners at the time for prosecuting his appeal against conviction and sentence together with interest at the LIBOR rate applicable on the... More

The applicant is a female adult resident in Marondera. The first respondent is a surviving spouse of the late Timothy Musariri who died on 25 September 1994. The first respondent was married to the late Timothy Musariri in terms of the African Marriages Act, (now Customary Marriages Act, Chapter 5:07). The late Timothy Musariri was the registered holder of interests and rights in the matrimonial home being house No. 7 Kasipiti Way, Rujeko, Marondera. The second respondent is the son of the late Timothy Musariri and the first respondent. At the time of Timothy Musariri’s death he was a minor.... More

On 10 January 2017, the plaintiff instituted summons action against the defendant seeking the following relief: “WHEREFORE Plaintiff claims: (a) That the Defendant be and is hereby ordered to pay US$ 15 000.00 (b) Interests at the prescribed rate from the date of the issuance of summons. (c) Costs of suit on an attorney-client scale.” More

This is an appeal against the sentence imposed upon the appellant following his conviction on a charge of malicious damage to property as defined in s 3 (1) (h) as read with s 4 (1) of the Domestic Violence Act [Chapter 5:16]. The appellant was convicted on his own plea of guilt. He was sentenced to 14 months imprisonment of which 2 months imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on condition that he does not commit an offence involving damage to property as an element for which he is sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine. A further... More