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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
: The plaintiff and the defendant were married in terms of the Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11] at Mutare on 22 April 2006. Their marriage lasted 9 years before the institution of the divorce proceedings. 4 children were born out of the marriage and all of them are still minors. The plaintiff is domiciled in Zimbabwe thereby giving this court jurisdiction to deal with their divorce matter. The parties acquired both immovable and movable property during the subsistence of their marriage. More

This is an application for the review of the decision of the first respondent delivered on 10 September 2019 under CRB No. 294-96/19, in terms of which the applicant’s application for discharge at the close of the State case was dismissed. The facts are that on the 24 April 2019, the applicant (as 1st accused, Norton Town Council as 2nd accused and Israel Isheunesu as 3rd accused) appeared before the first respondent answering to the charge of culpable homicide as defined in section 49(b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act (the Code). More

This an application for rescission of a default judgment granted by this court on 28 October 2009 in case No HC 3672/09. The background to the application is that the respondent entered into an oral lease agreement with a satellite church of the applicant in Mufakose to lease Chidziva Building, Mufakose (the premises). One Stowell Mupanguri, the applicant’s Deputy Governor responsible for finance negotiated the agreement on behalf of the applicant. The satellite church took occupation of the premises on 15 November 2008. It failed to pay rent leading to the respondent issuing summons on 14 August 2009 in case... More

This is an application for a joinder in terms of Rule 32(12)(b) of the High Court Rule, SI 202/2021.The applicant intends the City of Harare to be joined to the proceedings in case number HC 6412/22. More

Applicant seeks an order, on by way of review, firstly, setting aside the appointment of the second respondent, his step-mother, and widow of the late Petros Peter Katsande, as executrix dative in the estate of the late Petros Peter Katsande. Secondly he seeks an order appointing a professional person to the office of executor in the estate of the late Petros Peter Katsande. More