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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The first applicant and the second respondent have a long standing dispute between them. The dispute centres on the control and ownership of the second applicant. Each one of them claims that it is a director of the second applicant. More

The bare bones of the dispute in this appeal are these: The appellant and the first respondent entered into a lease agreement for premises situate at 26 East Road, Belgravia, Harare on 16 May, 2003. On 14 March, 2008, the first respondent, following its cancellation of the lease agreement, obtained an order in the Magistrates’ court under case number MC 1701/07. The contentious order was couched in these words: More

The applicant is a businessman and commercial farmer. He also holds the post of Minister of Finance. He has been remanded in custody since 26 April 2004, pending his trial on four counts of contravening section 5 of the Exchange Control Act [Chapter 22:05] and one count of contravening section 21 of the Citizenship Act [Chapter 4:01]. More

1 The applicant and 17 other employees of the City of Harare were suspended from duty on 24 June 1999, following the findings of a committee of inquiry duly set up by the Minister of Local Government and National Housing (“the Minister”), in terms of the Urban Councils Act [Chapter 29.15], (‘the Act”). 2 At the time of the suspension of the applicant and the other employees, the affairs of the City were under the management of a Commission headed by one Elijah Chanakira, and appointed by the Minister on 8 March 1999 in terms of section 80 of the... More

This is an application, for the rescission of a portion of a judgment of this court in HC 9207/14, in terms of r 449(1)(c) of the High Court rules 1971 . The applicants allege that the impugned part of the judgment was granted as a result of a mistake common to both parties, therefore it has to be expunged. In addition the applicants want the amount paid by the first respondent as legal tender in compliance with that portion of the order reimbursed. More