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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The appellant appeared before a Mvurwi magistrate facing a theft of trust property charge in terms of s 113 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform Act) [Cap 9:23]. The State allegations were that the appellant received US$ 2 440-00 from his employer for purposes of paying wages for contract workers at Tel One Mvurwi Depot. Instead of handing over the money to the intended beneficiaries, the appellant converted the money to his own use. The appellant was convicted and fined USD 300 or 6 months imprisonment. More

The plaintiff built a gymnasium for his son an aspiring body builder. When the gym was ready for equipping he was referred to the defendantfor supply of the equipment. The plaintiff contacted the defendant and they agreed to transact. The transaction turned sour as a result of which the plaintiff has sued the defendant. More

This is an urgent application in which the applicant seeks a provisional order. In the interim relief the applicant prays, firstly, for an order that the respondents be interdicted from removing from Zimbabwe a blending machine, allegedly in storage at Beitbridge border post, and in addition thereto an order for the return of that machine to the fifth respondent with a corresponding order for the payment of storage costs by the respondents in respect of the machine in question. In addition the applicant again in terms of interim relief seeks an anti-dissipatory interdict in respect of various assets allegedly belonging... More

The applicant was allocated Subdivision 8 of Oldham Farm, Chegutu District, Mashonaland West Province, by way of an offer letter dated 6 March 2007. The farm, measuring 1373 hectares, was offered to the applicant under the Land Reform and Resettlement Programme, Model A2 Phase II. Upon acceptance of the offer, the applicant took occupation of the land and commenced agricultural operations. On 7 April 2022, the applicant received a letter from the respondent indicating an intention to withdraw the offer letter. The reason given for this intended withdrawal was “replanning” and the applicant was given seven days to make representations.... More

The plaintiff’s claim against the defendant is for- a) Payment of US$12 000.00 being the damages for the actual loss of the plaintiff’s six (6) Brahman cattle which died after drinking from a cyanide pool. b) Payment of an additional US$6 000.00 for damages for the four (4) Brahman cattle which died which were in calf. c) Payment of US$182 000.00 being damages for prospective loss of income which the plaintiff would have realized from the six cattle which died had they reached their maximum breeding level. d) Interest on the total sum of US$200 000.00 at the rate of... More