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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant was employed as Group Engineering Director by the first respondent, which represented itself as a holding company comprising several subsidies with the second respondent as its Chief Executive Officer. More

On 13 October 2011 after hearing both counsel I dismissed the application with costs. The reasons given for the dismissal were as follows: The applicant approached this court seeking an order to rescind two judgments granted against him in default in case number HC1448/05. The default judgments were granted on 1 June 2005 and on 6 April 2006. He also sought an order that he files his plea to the summons in HC1448/05 within ten days from the grant of this order. More

The third and fourth respondents are husband and wife respectively. They purchased stand 5993 Warren Park North, Westlea, Harare (“property”) from the sixth respondent. They did so in terms of a written contract which the sixth respondent and them signed on 9 June 1998. The agreement appears at p 26 of the record. More

The applicant is the Church Of The Province Of Central Africa and is responsible for the affairs of the Anglican Church in Central Africa. The first respondent is its Bishop for Manicaland with whom it has pending cases before the courts for the determination of whether or not he is still its Bishop. The first respondent leads a faction of the Anglican Church in Manicaland. The second respondent is an Estate Agent operating in Mutare. It was in August 2009, given a mandate by the first respondent’s faction to sale two pieces of land belonging to the Anglican church. The... More

The above two cases were consolidated by consent of the parties because they are interwoven and related such that the relief sought is substantially the same. The parties are engaged in protracted litigation over ownership, detention, custody and control of church properties located in three dioceses. They have taken each other to Court on numerous occasions without finality to their dispute. More