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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The parties entered into a customary union on 25 May, 2007 and on 2 April 2011, they registered their marriage in terms of the Marriages Act [Chapter 5:11]. The couple had two minor children born on 27 December and 12 February, 2012, respectively. More

The plaintiffs in this action claim against the defendants a declaratur that the plaintiffs are the lawful and rightful owners of a property called Stand 7871 Belvedere West, Harare. In consequence of the declaratur being granted in their favour, the plaintiffs further claim for an order that the 4th defendant should approve and sign over cession to them of rights, title and interest in the property. The plaintiff also claims costs on the punitive scale of legal practitioner and client. More

This is a chamber application for condonation for the late filing of an appeal that was filed on 25 February 2011. It was served on the Attorney General on 28 February 2011 whose representative filed a response on 16 March 2011. The response read: “Be pleased to take notice that it is not intended to oppose the application. The respondent had sight of the respondent’s (sic) reasons for delay. May the relief be granted as per draft order.” On 25 March 2011 I dismissed the application on the basis that the applicant was in willful default and had no prospects... More

This application involves the interpretation and effect of two agreements that were executed by the Ashanti Goldfields Zimbabwe Limited (“Ashanti”) with the applicant. The applicant seeks the transfer of Stand number 591 Waterbury Crescent Bindura from Ashanti and costs of suit. It is opposed. More

After working for the greater part of one’s life an employee not only looks forward to taking a deserved rest from active employment but reasonably expects to receive their pension timeously and in full as prescribed by law. More