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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This application involves the interpretation and effect of two agreements that were executed by the Ashanti Goldfields Zimbabwe Limited (“Ashanti”) with the applicant. The applicant seeks the transfer of Stand number 591 Waterbury Crescent Bindura from Ashanti and costs of suit. It is opposed. More

After working for the greater part of one’s life an employee not only looks forward to taking a deserved rest from active employment but reasonably expects to receive their pension timeously and in full as prescribed by law. More

Applicant and Noah Taguta have been quarrelling over the High Priesthood of Marange Apostolic Church of St. Johanne for some years now. Each is now leading a faction. The fight for the right to inherit priestly regalia has been ongoing for some time. This case, HC 11783/11, and case no. HC 11782/11 mirror the extent to which the fight has evolved. Though both cases were placed before me for hearing I decided to issue separate judgments in view of the specific issues in each case. This judgment pertains to the issues in HC 11783/11. More

. This application was placed before me together with another application HC11783/11 wherein the present applicant is also applicant and the second respondent is cited as the first respondent. The issues in the two applications are related. I have however opted to deal with the applications separately. This judgment is therefore in respect of case No. HC 11782/11. More

This is an application for the return to the applicant of goods seized from the applicant by fourth respondent. The goods were seized on the basis of the order granted by this court (per CHITAKUNYE J) in Case Number HC 489/07. The basis of the application is that the seizure of the goods was unlawful as it was not done pursuant to a writ of execution. It is common cause that, indeed, there was no writ execution on the basis of which the fourth respondent acted when he recovered the goods. The application is opposed by the first respondent. More