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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicants in this matter seek an order in the following terms - "It is ordered that: - (1) it is hereby declared that clause 3 of the employment contracts between respondent and applicants entitling applicants to payment of a mileage allowance based on mileage of 4 000 kilometre per month at applicable standards AAZ rates remains part of the contracts between the parties. Accordingly the applicants are entitled to payment of such allowance; (2) respondent pay the outstanding allowance to the applicants inclusive of interest at the prescribed rate from the date the allowance became due to date of... More

This is an application to compel transfer consequent upon an agreement of sale of “proposed subdivision B of Lot 369 Highlands Estate of Welmoed measuring approximately 2033 square metres” entered into between the applicant and the first respondent in January 2015. More

This is an application for bail pending appeal. After I had heard argument from both parties I indicated that my ruling would be given on 21 August 2012. This is it. The applicant was convicted of attempted rape by the Magistrates’ Court at Kadoma. He was sentenced to four years imprisonment of which one year imprisonment was suspended for five years on condition that within that period the applicant does not commit any offence involving sexual violence and for which upon conviction he will be sentenced to imprisonment without the option of a fine. The applicant noted an appeal against... More

In this case the appellant was convicted of theft of Trust Property as defined in s 113(2)(d) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Cap 9:23], on 23 August 2011. On the same day he was sentenced to 7 months imprisonment which was wholly suspended on condition of restitution of the sum of US$3000 before a given date. Dissatisfied with both his conviction and sentence, he noted an appeal against both conviction and sentence. The appellant was a self-actor both at his trial and on appeal. More

The applicant is a Nigerian immigrant who is in Zimbabwe. He was arrested on 6 February 2012 by Immigration officers. On 14 February 2012 he filed this urgent chamber application in which he seeks the following relief by way of Provisional Order: More