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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 23 June 2008 the plaintiff and the defendant entered into an insurance agreement. The insurance policy issued to the plaintiff (the insured) was to cover damage to the “whole or part of the property described in the schedule, owned by the insured or for which they are responsible, including alterations by the insured as tenants to the buildings and structures”. Specifically the insurance was against damage from “ fire, lightning or thunderbolt, explosion and such additional perils as are stated in the schedule.” More

At the hearing of this matter both parties were in agreement that the factual issues were not contentious and they submitted a statement of the undisputed facts to the court and mutually agreed on the issues that the court had to determine after hearing argument. More

This is an application for rescission of default judgment granted on 10 May 2012 in Case No HC 3958/12. The background to the matter is that the applicant borrowed US$40 000 from the respondent at an interest of 20% per annum in February 2011 and payable by 28 February 2012. The applicant failed to liquidate the debt when it became due resulting in the respondent issuing summons on 21 April 2012 for the US$80 000. More

This application is an application for rescission of judgment entered against applicants on 18 January 2011. From a reading of the facts of this matter applicants became aware of the judgment in May and June of 2011. Rule 63(1) of the High Court Rules provides; More

On 22 June 2012 the appellant drove a Mazda Rustler registration number ABC 6845 while he was not a holder of a driver’s licence. He had 5 passengers on board. He was driving along Harare- Masvingo road. At the 139km peg he turned right in front of oncoming traffic resulting in a collision with a Nissan Hardbody which then overturned. Eleven passengers from both vehicles were injured and were rushed to Chivhu GeneralHospital. One passenger who had been seriously injured later died on the same day in hospital. The other passengers were treated and discharged. More