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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for a declaratur in terms of which the applicant seeks the following order. 1. That the allocation and sale of stands 19751 – 19793 Budiriro Township to applicant’s member co-operatives by the first respondent is legally binding and 2. The first, second and third respondents be and are hereby ordered to stop the re-planning and or re-allocation of stands 19751 – 19793 to any other person who is not the applicant’s member co-operatives. 3. The sixth respondent be and is hereby ordered to demolish the brick and mortar wall erected encroaching over the applicant’s member co-operatives... More

The applicant, (the Union) seeks an order placing the 1st respondent, (Telecel) on corporate rescue in terms of section 124 (1) of the Insolvency Act, Chapter 6:07 (the Act). The Union contends that the requirements of section 124 (4) (a) of the Act are met in that Telecel is financially distressed. The Union claims to have locus standi as a creditor and a registered trade union representing Telecel employees. Telecel opposes the application and raised three preliminary points which is the subject of this ruling. More

During the pre-trial conference, the parties agreed that this matter be dealt with as a special case in terms of Order 29, r 199 of the High Court Rules, 1971. The facts in relation to the special case are contained in a document signed on 28 August 2020 by both parties, whose contents are captured below: More

1. The applicant as its name implies, is a trade union, duly registered in accordance with the laws of the country, to represent the interests of the workers in the communications and related industries. The respondent is a provider of communication services. Its employees are members of the applicant. 2. On 6 October 2005, the employees of the respondent went on strike after giving the employer notice of their intention to do so. 3. When served with the notice of intention to go on strike, the respondent applied to the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare for a... More

The applicant was formed by Harare residents in 2003 and registered as a Trust in 2006. Although in the founding affidavit deposed to by one Stewart Musiwa he himself as “the Director, of applicant company,” this is clearly a misnomer as the applicant is not a registered company but a trust. More