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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant who is a member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police holding the rank of constable is seeking an order to the effect that: “a. Application for condonation for late filing of Application for Review be and is hereby granted. b. The Applicant be and is hereby ordered to file his application for review within 10 days from the date of this order. c. Costs shall be in the cause.” More

On 2 October 2018 I heard this matter and dismissed it with costs. I have been asked for the written reasons and these are they. More

This matter was placed before me through the Chamber Book. The applicant is a serving member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police. She seeks the following interim relief as a matter of urgency; More

The three applicants, who are members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police, were convicted on 18 February 2016 of contravening para 35 of the Schedule to the Police Act. More

This is an urgent application by the applicant in terms of which he seeks the following relief: A. Terms of the final order sought 1. The detention of the applicant be and is hereby stayed pending the finalization of his application for review filed with this court. More