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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This application was placed before me in Chambers as an unopposed application. On 26 October 2016, the applicant had filed a suit against the respondent, claiming the sum of US$ 25 000-00 for adultery damages. She claims that the respondent has been involved in an adulterous relationship with her husband and that their unlawful union resulted in the birth of a girl child out of wedlock, in March 2017. More

This is an urgent chamber application in which the applicant’s legal practitioner raised a preliminary point which needs to be determined before the Court can proceed to hear the preliminary points that the respondents raise. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an interdict directing the first and second respondents to restore the status quo ante at the first applicant’s place of business being number 9B Ridgeway South, Highlands, Harare, as well as prohibiting them from further interference with the terms and conditions stated in the second applicant’s operating licence. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming payment of US$16 175 740-72 for fees owed by the defendant for professional services at the defendant’s special instance and request in or around 2007. The amount was due and payable sometime around 3 April 2009. More

The plaintiff herein claims general damages for unlawful arrest, detention and assault by two police officers, the 3rd and 4th defendants. In particular, he seeks damages for shock, pain and suffering, and for contumely, unlawful arrest and detention, in the total sum of US$4,000. The defendants accept that the plaintiff was lawfully arrested, but deny that he was assaulted or otherwise maltreated. More