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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
: On 14 July, 2016 I dismissed an interlocutory application wherein the applicant in the main divorce matrimonial matter HC 10414/14 sought to resile from an admission made at pre-trial conference. More

The applicants in the main case number HC 6113/16 applied for rescission of judgment in terms of order 9 r 63 (1) (2) of the High Court Rules. The order that was granted in default was under case number HC8895/12. More

When parties appeared before me they agreed that this matter proceeds as a stated case. The first plaintiff is CRIEFF INVESTMENTS (PRIVATE) LIMITED, a company duly incorporated according to the laws of Zimbabwe, the second plaintiff is ALDAWILIA INVESTMENTS (PRIVATE) LIMITED. The second plaintiff changed its name to the first plaintiff. In essence the first and the second plaintiff are one party. The first defendant is GRAND HOME CENTRE PRIVATE LIMITED, a company duly incorporated according to the laws of Zimbabwe and whose address for service is care of its legal practitioners of record. The second and the third defendants... More

The Applicant is Crisis Coalition in Zimbabwe Trust, a trust that has been registered as such in terms of the laws of this country. The respondent is Superintendent G. Moyo, N.O. the Harare District Regulatory Authority in terms of the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act [Chapter 11. 23]. This is an urgent chamber application wherein the applicant is seeking an interim interdict against the first respondent so that he and all acting under or through him will not interfere with the applicant intended public meeting scheduled for 12 August 2022. The application was filed on 11August 2022 but the... More

This is an appeal against the Magistrates court judgment dismissing an application for discharge at the close of the State’s case disguised as a court application for review of that decision. It is an unmitigated and flagrant abuse of court process. More