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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Our jurisdiction is anchored upon the adversarial system of justice delivery. The system has invariably two partiesto it. These are the plaintiff and the defendant in a civil suit, the applicant and the respondent in motion proceedings and the state and the accused in a criminal trial. More

The plaintiff is a Zimbabwean registered company which deals in art and craft products. The defendant is an international airline carrier which, although constituted in South Africa, is licenced to operate in Zimbabwe and has offices in Harare. More

This is a composite judgment pursuant to bail applications launched by the applicants. Each applicant is on remand on separate charges of contravening s 14(1) of the Firearms Act [Chapter 10:09]. For purposes of the bail applications, and with the consent of counsel, the matters were consolidated because it was convenient to do so. Ronald Musekiwa is the investigating officer in the case against the 4th applicant. He is also a member of the investigating team in the other three matters. Being privy to the facts and circumstances of the four matters, he testified in opposition to the applicants’ bid... More

The applicant, a duly registered company has approached this court seeking a compelling order, ordering the respondent to deliver their courtesy vehicle a Ford Ranger, T6, Single Cab, Registration Number, AFN 0119, within 7 days of the date of service upon her of the order. The application is opposed with respondent mounting a counterclaim apportioning liability to the resultant damages to her vehicle as allegedly having been caused by the negligence on the applicant. More

This application was filed on urgency with the applicant seeking a relief in the form of a provisional order in the following terms: “TERMS OF ORDER MADE: That you show cause to this Honourable Court why the following Order should not be made:- 1. That the interim order granted by this Honourable Court be an is hereby confirmed. Interim Relief sought More