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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant seeks a rescission of a default judgment of this court issued against it on 22 May 2012, per MUTEMA J, for payment of storage charges of US$641-00 a day from 9 March 2009 together with interest at the prescribed rate calculated from the date of judgment to date of payment in full and costs of suit. More

This is an application for stay of execution pending an application for rescission of a judgment granted against the applicant and in default by MUTEMA J under HC1916/12 on 22 May 2012. More

1. The Respondent or any of her agents and/or employees, or anyone acting on her behalf is ordered to vacate Chirika Extension of Borrowdale Estate measuring 121,4029 Hectares; Lot J of Borrowdale Estate measuring 724,0475 Hectares immediately upon service of this order, failing which the Sheriff of Zimbabwe be and is hereby directed forthwith to eject the Respondent or any of her agents and/or employees, or anyone acting on her behalf, from occupation thereon. 2. The Respondent, or any of her agents and/or employees, or anyone acting on their behalf is hereby directed forthwith to remove any equipment, material and/or... More

The plaintiff in this case issued summons out of this court seeking to recover a sum of US$261,430.28, which it alleges is the outstanding balance of fees for security services it rendered to the defendants. In addition, the plaintiff sought to recover interest at the prescribed rate of 5% calculated from 1 October 2011 to date of full payment collection commission and costs of suit. The defendant denied liability. To understand the issues in this case, let me refer to the Statement of Agreed Facts jointly crafted by the parties as the parties opted to deal with this matter as... More

The applicant and his fourteen co- applicants comprise a group of mainly senior Zimbabwe National Army Officers who claim rights of ownership and /or possession of a piece of land measuring 4.1 hectares which is described as stand 393 Greendale Township off Cunningham Road Greendale suburb Harare. The first applicant’s founding affidavit was adopted by the other fourteen applicants who authorized the first applicant to act on their behalf. More