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Court Judgements

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This appeal seeks to determine whether or not it was proper for the Respondent to disallow appellant’s claims for the tax periods between 2010 and 2014. The answer lies in the interrogation of certain claims and expenses claimed by the appellant. That is necessary in order to determine if the said claims and expenses are allowable deductions according in terms of s 15(2) of the Income Tax Act [ Chapter 23:11] (the Act). More

: The appellant was convicted on his own plea of guilty to contravening s 49 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23] (Culpable Homicide). The facts of the matter are that on 9 August 2008 at 1700 hours, and at Dema, the appellant, who is employed by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, ran over the deceased, 12 years of age, with a vehicle which he was driving and the deceased died on the spot. Upon conviction, the appellant was sentenced as follows: a) Seven months imprisonment, of which four months imprisonment was suspended for five years on condition... More

This is an application filed on urgency in which the applicant seeks a provisional order in the following terms: “TERMS OF ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms:- 1. The respondents be and are hereby directed to stay all attempts at executing against the applicant’s property pending the hearing of the appeal case no. SC 458/17. 2. The 1st respondent shall pay the costs of this application More

The Plaintiff’s claim is for damages for malicious prosecution. More

On 29 March 2008, the harmonised presidential, parliamentary and council elections were held in Zimbabwe. The petitioner stood as the candidate for the Movement for Democratic Change “MDC” for the Local Council seat in respect Ward 21 in the constituency of Mount Darwin West. The respondent represented the Zimbabwe African National Union [Patriotic Front}”ZANU PF” in that Ward. On 30 March, 2008 the respondent was declared the winner of that seat. More