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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
In 1999 the applicant herein entered into an agreement of sale in terms of which he purchased an immovable property from the estate of the late Johanna Maria Fransisca Logan as represented by the executrix testamentary of the estate. The immovable property, described as Stand 382 Good Hope Township of Subdivision B of Good Hope, was transferred to the applicant in April 2007 by deed of transfer number 1597/2007. More

: Through a s 5 notice which was issued in terms of the Land Acquisition Act, Government compulsorily acquired Sub-division A of Lendy Estate (“the farm”) which measures 2780.97 hectares in extent. Prior to its acquisition by Government, the farm belonged to the applicant which is a legal entity. It was acquired on 12 July, 2002. A portion of the farm falls within the boundaries of the municipality of Marondera, according to the applicant. More

The plaintiff in this matter claims general damages for malicious arrest and detention as well as special damages in respect of his motor vehicle. His original claim was for a total sum of US$60,860 but this amount was reduced to US$20,600 at the trial. More

On 6 December 2011 the plaintiff issued a summons for damages for defamation and for iniuria. The defamation claim was against the first and second defendants. The iniuria claim was in two parts; the first against the first and third defendants, and the second against the first defendant only. More

The applicants approached this court on an urgent chamber basis seeking a provisional order in the following terms:- “TERMS OF THE FINAL ORDER SOUGHT 1. It is hereby ordered that the respondents be and are hereby barred from interfering with the occupation, possession and use of the applicant’s land use and paece. (sic) 2. The respondents pay costs of suit on a higher scale. More