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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The parties in this matter entered into marriage in terms of the then Marriage Act, [Cap 37] (now Cap 5: 11) on 9 July 1988. Some twenty years later, on 3 December, 2008 the defendant instituted this divorce action, citing various reasons which she claims indicate that their marriage has irretrievably broken down. More

MAXWELL J: On 24 November 2021, a spoliation order in favour of the applicant was issued. On 26 November 2021, a request for reasons for the judgment was made for the purpose of an appeal under SC456/21. These are they: On 17 November 2021 applicant approached this court on an urgent basis seeking among other things, a spoliation order against the first respondent. She wanted immediate restoration of her exclusive occupation of 12 Beach Road, Borrowdale, Harare. Applicant stated that she is married to first respondent but they are in the midst of a divorce, case number HC 5353/21. The... More

The applicant is a tenant occupying premises known as Ground Floor, Building 3 at Arundel Office Park, Mount Pleasant Harare by virtue of a lease agreement entered into with the respondent. When a rent dispute arose between the parties, it was referred to arbitration in terms of clause 34 of the written lease agreement of the parties, through the President of The Real Estate of Zimbabwe, who appointed the second respondent as arbitrator. More

The plaintiff, a peregrine company, issued summons against the defendants, jointly and severally, claiming payment of $290 866.50 arising out of a balance due on goods sold and delivered at the defendant’s specific instance and request, interest at the bank rate of 24% per annum from due date to date of full payment, collection commission and costs of suit. More

This is an application for reinstatement of case number HC 6528/18 on the roll pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 7 of Practice Direction 2 of 2013 and other ancillary reliefs. More