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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The two applications were consolidated as they involved the same parties and the same subject matter. For easy of reference Vimbayi Charity Rundofa shall herein after be referred to as applicant and Luckie Magorimbo as the respondent. The applicant, Vimbayi Charity Rundofa and the first respondent, Luckie Magorimbo, were married in terms of the Marriages Act [Cap 5: 11]. In HC 4418/05 the applicant sued respondent for a decree of divorce and other ancillary relief. The applicant was represented by her present legal practitioners whilst respondent was a self –actor. More

I heard these three applications together. The first two applications seek similar relief. The applicant in the third application seeks to be joined as fourth responded in the first application. More

The applications in both files are basically for the setting aside of the first and second respondents’ decision made on the 23rd of May 2017 reconstituting the boundaries and the beacons of the applicants’ mining claims and the awarding of the parts of the applicants’ claim to the third respondent. More

On the 17th October 2017 the above two cases were consolidated and argued at the same time before us. After hearing arguments in both matters we dismissed the appeals. More

The plaintiff in both cases is a company incorporated in terms of the laws of the Channel Islands. The defendant in both cases is a company registered in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. It between 1998 and 2004 mined diamonds at Riner Ranch Mine in Beitbridge. It had been authorised to do so in terms of a compromise agreement which enabled the plaintiff to come out of liquidation. The mine belongs to the plaintiff. More