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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Having been indicted on a charge of fraud or alternatively, contravening the Precious Stones Trade Act [Cap 21:06] the accused applied to quash the charges on the basis that they do not disclose an offence. More

On 23 October 2013, on the unopposed roll, provisional sentence was granted in favour of the plaintiff against the defendant in the sum of USD$8 000 000, 00 (eight million United States Dollars), together with interest thereon at the prescribed rate of 5% per annum calculated from 29 December 2010 being the due date of the Promissory Note to the date of payment in full, as well as costs of suit. The order was granted after hearing full argument by counsel for both parties. The court granted the order on the basis that the signature on the Promissory note had... More

The Plaintiff issued a summons out of this Court against the Defendants claiming against them jointly and severally one paying, the other to be absolved, US$130 000.00 being an amount payable by the Defendants to the Plaintiff in terms of a settlement agreement entered into by and between the Plaintiff and the Defendants on 8 October 2020, interest at the prescribed rate from 21 October 2020 to the date of full payment and costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale. More

This is an application for summary judgment in which the applicant claims payment of the sums set out in the draft order which sums the first and second respondents acknowledged by acknowledgment of debt signed on 15 October 2010. More

This application is made in terms of r 236 (3) of the High Court of Zimbabwe Rules, 1971 on the basis that the respondents have not prosecuted an application which they filed in HC 4700/16 within the time provided by the rules. For that reason, the applicant seeks a dismissal of that application for want of prosecution. More