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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 16 September 2010 the Honourable C Mesikano issued an arbitral award in favour of Christopher William Barnsley, herein referred to as the judgment creditor. The award was for payment of a total sum of $61 879-00. The respondent in the dispute was Harambe Holdings (Pvt) Ltd. Pursuant to that award, the judgment creditor applied to this court for the registration of the award in accordance with the provisions of s 98 (14) of the Labour Act [Cap28:01.] This court then issued an order under case No. HC 6651/11 and registered the award as an order of court. Pursuant thereto... More

: These are interpleader proceedings brought by the applicant, the Deputy Sheriff of Harare, in terms of Order 30 r 205 of the High Court Rules, 1971. More

: The dispute in casufound its way to court by way of interpleader. Here are the facts: the judgment creditor (Electrical & Pulley) obtained a judgment in its favour in case No HC 4786/06 against Shamu Trading and Investment (Private) Limited, William Oliver Shamu, George Leonard Shamu and Cephas Leonard Shamu. Also common cause is that the claimant (Shamu Pen Tip) was not a party to the said judgment. Electrical & Pulley issued out a writ of execution in HC 4786/06 against the debtors therein. In executing that writ, the Deputy Sheriff attached certain piece of land in the district... More

In the execution of his duties in pursuance of a writ of execution issued out of this court, the applicant placed under attachment certain items of property. This was in the matter involving Hope Tembo and Morayford Investments (Pvt) (Ltd) and ArtherMutasa HC 8415/2011. More

The need for the legal profession to reclaim and assert its position as a profession which was matched only by consecrated priesthood requires continuing introspection and thorough training on ethical standards. I have been constrained to write a judgment in this matter in a request for a postponement because of the circumstances of the case. Having heard the parties, I made an order which appears below, and indicated that my written reasons would follow. These are the reasons. More