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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
In pursuance to a writ of execution granted by this court in case number HC 12338/11, the applicant on 16 May 2012 attached and removed the following assets from respondent’s premises; More

The papers before me show that the claimant was served with the court application and in terms of the rules, if it was desirous to oppose the matter, it should have filed opposing papers. It did not. More

The judgment creditor obtained judgment against Webster Ngwaru and Confuels (Pvt) Ltd in Case No. HC 2122/10 on 1 December 2010 in the sum of US$364 434 together with interest and costs of suit. More

This matter came before me by way of an interpleader notice issued by the Deputy Sheriff of Harare in terms of Order 30 of the High Court Rules 1971. In his notice, the Deputy Sheriff advised that on 12 April 2006, he attached the sum of $694 803 288-36 (old currency) in account No. 0830137660107, in the name of Safety Shield (Private) Limited, held with the third claimant. The attachment was at the instance of the second claimant who holds a judgment of this court against the directors of Safety Shield (Private) Limited. After the attachment, the first claimant filed... More

The applicant herein presently holds certain equipment attached by him pursuant to execution of judgment in Barnsley v Harambe Holdings HC 6651/10. The judgment creditor obtained an arbitral award in September 2010 for the payment by Harambe Holdings of arrear salary amounting to US$61,879. After the registration of the award with this Court, the notice of seizure and attachment of the equipment in question was issued in October 2010. The claimant is a wholly owned subsidiary of Harambe Holdings. However, it asserts that the seized property belongs to it and not to Harambe Holdings. The judgment creditor disputes this on... More