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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an opposed application wherein the applicant seeks the following order: “1. The notice to terminate the lease agreement entered into between the applicant and the respondent on 28 August 2003 in respect of number 5 Jacaranda Close, Hatfield, Harare be and is hereby declared null and void. 2.The applicant shall be entitled to renew the lease agreement every three years effective from 1 October 2007 until 30 September 2013. More

This matter was placed before me in chambers as a review of the proceedings of the small claims court. The background facts to this matter may briefly be stated as follows: The plaintiff issued process out of the Small Claims Court claiming the sum of $12 800 00-00 for services rendered at the defendant’s special instance in supplying and fitting car shades at the defendant’s premises. The claim was resisted. After the hearing, which was held on 28 September 2004, the presiding officer entered judgment for the plaintiff in the sum of $11 800 000-00 together with costs. Dissatisfied with... More

After hearing parties in thiscase, I granted the order declaring the process leading to the sale of a certain piece of land owned by the second respondent unlawful. A request for the written reasons was made for the purpose of an appeal. The applicants are duly registered entities in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. The first respondent is a local authority established in terms of the Urban Councils Act. The second respondent is a duly incorporated company operating in Harare. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an interim interdict. Due to the lockdown measures currently in place to check the spread of the covid-19 world pandemic and in terms of which the courts have virtually shut down, except for bail and remand matters, this application is being decided on the papers and thus,without the benefit of oral argument. More

The two applicants are young Zimbabwean feminists and human rights activists with special interest and concern for children, gender, women’s and socio economic rights. They filed the present application as a public interest application to protect the rights of children. In their founding affidavits they averred among other things that the current age of sexual consent in Zimbabwe is 16. This age is defined from the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9.23] (the CODE) which in Section 61 defines a ‘young person’ as a boy or girl under the age of 16 years. However, they further averred that... More