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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff is a daughter to defendant’s ex-husband, Charles Makani. At the time of instituting this suit the two were still married. The plaintiff’s father acquired an immovable property, namely no. 9 Dorset Road East, Avondale Harare for the plaintiff in the year 2001. The property was registered in the plaintiff’s name. The plaintiff was a minor then. More

This is a trial in which the plaintiff seeks specific performance of a contract of sale of a piece of immovable property. Essentially, she asks this court for an order compelling the first defendant to accept the balance of the purchase price, and to cede to her his title and rights in respect of Plot No. 44 Sabonabona Subdivision C, Kadoma (hereinafter called “Plot 44”). The genesis of this dispute is set out in the pleadings filed of record. Let me summarize the essential details. The plaintiff avers that, on 12 October 2018, she entered into an agreement of sale... More

A preliminary point of law is one that if properly taken in an application or action, is capable of disposing of a matter without the need for the court to delve into the merits of the matter. More

: I was on the urgent applications duty roster in the week beginning 26 March, 2018 through to 1 April, 2018. Being on urgent duty is a daunting assignment for any judge because the judge on duty is on call twenty four hours. Judges take turns to perform the 24 hour shift. It is their duty to be available all the time to dispense justice to all and sundry. More

Applicant is the testamentary executor of the estate late Vassilliki Divaris. The late Divaris owned 454,890 shares in respondent bank (“Tetrad”). On 28 June 2023, Tetrad published a notice of an extraordinary general meeting (“EGM”). The EGM was scheduled to take place on 20 July 2023. Its purpose being to procure shareholder approval to change the nature of the company`s business. Tetrad`s directors had resolved to surrender the bank`s licence and set sights on venturing into property and real estate. More