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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff Dr Lung a specialist dental surgeon with 30 years experience has approached the court seeking payment of $21 035-00 for services rendered to the defendant at her instance and request. The defendant on her part admits that indeed she sought services from the plaintiff but the money is not yet due as the plaintiff did not accomplish the mandate. More

The parties agreed at the hearing of the urgent chamber application on 26 July 2017 that by consent a provisional order be granted staying the arrest and lodging of the applicant into prison in terms of a writ of execution granted under case number HC 4766/13 and HC 4261/16. Further, the second and third respondents were also interdicted from causing the arrest and lodging into prison of the applicant pursuant to the warrant of execution granted under the said cases pending the determination of the question whether the applicant had complied with his obligations as nominal defendant in terms of... More

The applicant has filed this application on an urgent basis seeking a provisional order in the following terms: More

In this matter the applicant is seeking a provisional order in the following terms: “TERMS OF THE FINAL ORDER SOUGHT Pending the determination of the application for rescission of judgment under Case No HC 10469/13, applicant is granted the following relief: More

The application before me is an application for review of the Sheriff’s determination. I shall summarise the facts leading up to the review below. The second respondent obtained default judgment against the applicant. The second respondent then obtained a writ of execution to sell the applicant’s undivided half share in a property jointly owned by the applicant and her husband. This writ was served on the applicant on the 9th of July 2013. In December of 2013 the applicant filed an application for rescission of default judgment under HC 10468/13. More