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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The Applicant is the owner of certain mining claims situated in Mutoko Mashonaland East Mining Province being Mutoko Gold 32 Registration Number 40675 BM, and Mutoko Gold registration Number 37016 BM [hereinafter referred to as the Mutoko Gold Claims]. The Respondent is the owner of certain mining claims which are also in the Mutoko area. The Applicant and Respondent are engaged in a dispute in respect of 503 granite mining blocks which the Applicant alleges the Respondent mined from the boundaries of the Applicant’s Mutoko Gold Claims. The dispute is currently pending under HC 3813/23. More

The plaintiff as represented by its Managing Director Ms Elizabeth Chidavaenzi issued summons out of this court on 9 June 2008 seeking the ejectment of the defendant from stand number 3182 of subdivision A of stand 159 Prospect in Harare (‘the property’). More

This is an application for a mandament van spolie. The applicant is a company which carries on business as a land developer. The first respondent is a company in the same business as the applicant. The second respondent controls the first respondent. His position in that company is not described in the papers. More

HC 5357/ 22 is intertwined with the present application. The parties are the same and the substance of the two cases rests on the same subject-matter. In casu, Drew and Fraser International (Pvt) Ltd and Euphrasia Mupedzisi (“the applicant) are a legal entity and a natural person respectively. The applicant applies for leave to appeal the decision which I made on 15 February 2023 under HC 5357/22 which is the decision of one Nicodimus Kuipa N.O. and the Estates Agents Council of Zimbabwe, the respondent a quo, as well as in this application which the applicant filed under HC 1398/23.... More

This judgment covers two urgent applications. The parties are the same. I shall refer to the first application as “the application.” In opposing the application, the respondent raised a counter-application, (hereinafter referred to as “the counter-application.) For convenience, the citation of the parties shall remain the same in both the application and counter-application. I will deal with the application and counter-application separately in this judgment. Both applications are fiercely contested. More