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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for the review of the Master’s decision of 3 September 2004 in which he approved the award of house number 1242 Unit A Chitungwiza (the immovable property) by Joshua Songore to Josiah Gweme. Josiah Gweme (the first respondent) counterclaimed for the eviction of the applicant from the immovable property. More

1. The applicant brought an application in terms of s 236(4) (b) of the High Court Rules, 1971, (the Rules). She seeks an order for dismissal of the respondent’s case on the premise that he failed to pursue an application he filed by neglecting to set it for hearing entitling her to apply for dismissal for want of prosecution. 2. Rule 236(4) stipulates as follows; “(4) Where the applicant has filed an answering affidavit in response to the respondent’s opposing affidavit but has not, within a month thereafter, set the matter down for hearing, the respondent, on notice to the... More

The applicant is Edson Dylka E Neurice Limitada a peregrine company domiciled and incorporated in Mozambique. It is in the business of transporting goods within and across neighbouring countries including Zimbabwe. The respondent is Zimbabwe Revenue Authority statutory corporate body established under the Revenue Authority Act, [Chapter 23:11]. The respondent inter-alia is responsible for revenue collection on behalf of Government and is also the regulatory authority for the exportation and importation of goods at the country’s borders. The respondent also administers and enforces the Customs and Exercise Act, [Chapter 23:02] (“the Act”). More

: It is an ambitious claim. On 9 April 2010 the plaintiff issued summons in this Court seeking delivery of ten tobacco bulk curers and a payment of US$191 250-00 being damages caused by the alleged failure to deliver the tobacco curers by the defendant. More

The appellant and the fourth and fifth respondents are aspiring parliamentary candidates. The appellant’s nomination papers were rejected while those of the fourth and fifth respondents were accepted by the first respondent. The second respondent is the Electoral Commission responsible for conducting elections in Zimbabwe. The third respondent is the Minister responsible for the administration of the Electoral Act (Chapter 2:13) and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Act (Chapter 2:12), herein after called the Electoral Act and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Act. More