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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This judgment is in respect of two related applications involving, to a large extent, the same parties. In Case No. HC206/20 the applicant seeks an order for the setting aside of the decision of the first respondent approving the second respondent’s bill of costs on the grounds that it is unreasonable, unfair and unlawful. The application is being made in terms of s 4(1) of the Administrative Justice Act [Chapter 10:28]. In Case No. HC 592/20 the applicant, who is the second respondent in HC 206/20, seeks an order that the first to seventh respondents pay the sum of $339... More

Applicant issued summons against the defendant on 15 June 2016 claiming payment of $35 576.17 arising out of money lent and advanced to and duly acknowledged by the defendant, interest thereon and bank charges that may accrue at the bank’s prevailing rate from June 2016 and costs. More

This is an application in which the applicant seeks summary judgment in the sum of US$43 086-65 plus interest at the prescribed rate from due date to date of payment. It also seeks an order that stand 1346 Que Que Township of stand number 277A Que Que Township which was mortgaged be declared executable and that the respondent should bear the costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale. More

At the commencement of the trial, the plaintiff sought an amendment to its claim by the deletion of the amounts of fourteen billion eight hundred million and six hundred and sixty six billion dollars and their substitution with the amounts of US$ twenty two thousand five hundred and sixty dollars and one million fifteen thousand four hundred and seventy dollars respectively, the first amount being the replacement cost of one vehicle and the second amount being the global sum for forty five brand new trucks. I granted the application to amend in the face of opposition from Mr Kamudefwere and... More

The plaintiff’s (bank’s) claim against the defendants is for the payment of US$23 104.76, interest thereon at the prescribed rate and costs of suit on a legal practitioner and client scale in terms of the loan agreement. More