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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
1. The applicant is a former employee of the respondent. His contract of employment was terminated in 2001 after which he obtained judgment by consent against the respondent at the Labour Court for unlawful dismissal. He was awarded damages in the sum of Z$26 076 252 on 27 May 2009 after quantification. The applicant seeks to register the judgment with this court in terms of s 92B (3) of the Labour Act, [Chapter 21: 08]. More

This matter was placed before me as an urgent application for leave to execute pending appeal. The background is as aptly captured in HH 424-21. In that matter, the court granted an interim order which for the sake of convenience is captured hereunder. More

The applicant in his capacity as the judicial manager of Rolldice Mining Services (Pvt) Ltd seeks the following provisional order against the respondents. More

This matter came before me in motion court as an application for default judgment in terms of Rule 58 of the High Court Rules 1971. More

This is an appeal against the entire judgment of the magistrate sitting at Murambinda Magistrate Court handed down on 19 November 2012. Upon hearing arguments we dismissed the appeal on 14 May 2013. These are our reasons for the dismissal More