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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff husband issued summons out of this court on 24 November 2009 seeking a decree of divorce on the basis of irretrievable breakdown of the marriage, custody of the three minor children, and sharing of matrimonial property. More

The applicant appeared before a Regional Magistrate at Harare facing one count of extortion, alternatively one count of contravening s3 (1)(a)(i) of the Prevention of Corruption Act [Chapter 9:16]. After contest, he was convicted on the alternative charge and sentenced to 5 years imprisonment with 1 year suspended for 5 years on conditions of good behaviour. He thereafter noted an appeal to this court against both conviction and sentence. He now applies to be allowed out on bail pending the determination of the appeal. More

This is an appeal against both conviction and sentence. The appellant was convicted after a full trial, of rape as defined in s 65 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. He was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. The appellant was found by the court a quo to have raped the complainant from 2011 to 2015 during the time that the complainant was living at the appellant’s residence. The complainant is a daughter of the late sister of the appellant’s wife. She regarded the appellant as her “father”. The appellant was aged 46 years old at the... More

On 5 September 2013 I dismissed the above urgent chamber application on preliminary points raised by the respondents. The basis for the dismissal was as follows:- More

The applicant filed an application for dismissal of Case No. HC 1182/17 for want of prosecution pursuant to the provisions of order 32 r 263 (3) and (4) of the High Court Rules 1971. On 14 September 2017 I dealt with the matter in chambers and issued an order which the Registrar recorded in the following terms and issued to the parties. More