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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for leave to institute proceedings in which applicant seeks the removal of first respondent, as the judicial manager of second respondent, on the grounds that first respondent has conducted himself in a manner prejudicial to creditors and shareholders of second respondent and is thus a threat to their interests. The application is brought in terms of s301 (1) of the Companies Act [Chapter 24:03]. More

: What was supposed to be a memorable excursion for Harare International School pupils and their teacher, the plaintiff, turned out to be a nightmare when the plaintiff was severely burnt in an accident involving a burner on 19 September 2013. The plaintiff approached this court seeking damages to the tune of US$ 206 298.00 allegedly arising from negligent conduct of the first defendant a learner instructor in the employ of the second defendant, and the second defendant itself on the basis of vicarious liability. More

The applicant a registered legal practitioner has approached this court seeking a review of the decision of the respondent wherein the latter referred applicant’s disciplinary matter to the Legal Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal. The applicant contends that the decision to refer his matter to the Tribunal violates his procedural rights in that the decision was biased, procedurally irregular and grossly irregular. The application is vehemently opposed. More

The applicant filed an application in this court seeking relief which is stated in the draft order as follows: The respondent’s termination of the applicant’s contract of employment effected on the 8th April 2005, and communicated to him by way of a letter dated 9th May be and is hereby set aside. Prior to this dispute the applicant was employed by the respondent as a personal banker until the 8th April 2005 when his contract of employment was unilaterally terminated by the respondent. More

Afterthe preliminaries on 18 March 2013, the trial in this matter began in earnest on 8 April 2013. The defendant had the duty to begin. That had been the agreement at the pre-trial conference. At the close of the defendant’s case the plaintiff applied for absolution from the instance. I reserved judgment. This is the judgment. More