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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The cause of action in this case arises out of an alleged breach of contract by the defendant for the supply of 20 IBM A50 desktop computers (computers) to the plaintiff. The plaintiff is suing the defendant for specific performance or payment of damages in lieu thereof. More

I heard this application on 7 March 2022. I delivered an ex tempore judgment in which I dismissed it with costs. On 4 April, 2022 the second respondent wrote requesting written reasons for my decision. My reasons are these: The applicant, one Agson Mafuta Chioza (“Chioza”) sued the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water & Rural Resettlement (“the Minister”) and one Josiah Chikowore (“Chikowore”) who are respectively the first and second respondents in this application. He moved me to, among other relief, direct that: i) the agreement of a farm for a farm exchange between the Minister and him is binding;... More

In this urgent application for a provisional order the applicant prays for relief as set out as follows; FINAL ORDER SOUGHT 1. That the stay of execution is hereby granted 2. Respondents shall pay costs of suit on an attorney-client scale. More

The applicants brought the above application under a certificate of urgency. In the interim they sought the release of certain goods, mostly vehicles, that had been attached in execution. It was also sought as an interim relief an order that the respondents should pay any storage costs that might have been incurred as a result of the attachment of the assets. For the final order it was sought that the actions of the respondents be declared illegal for allegedlycontravening s9A of the Finance Act [No2] of 2012 [sic] as read with the State Liabilities Act, [Cap 8:14]. One has to... More

This is an application for condonation of late noting of Review. The facts are common cause. The Applicant was convicted on 12 May 2011 on a Charge of contravening para 14(3) of the First Schedule to the Defence Act [Chapter 11.02] which subsequently led to the convening of a Board of Suitability leading to the dismissal of the applicant from the Airforce of Zimbabwe. The applicant attempted to note his appeal to the Defence Forces Service Commission which unfortunately did not go through as it was out of time and condonation was denied. Applicant had noted his appeal after 9... More