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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
CHITAKUNYE J: The applicant was married to the late Ruggero Borgonovo on 4 February 1964. In 1977 the applicant and late Ruggero Borgonovo executed a joint Will. In 1996 they executed a Deed of Separation and thereafter lived separately till the late Ruggero Borgonovo’s demise. More

The applicant in this matter seeks condonation for late filing of an application for the review of a decision taken by the first respondent, the Master of High Court on 16 May 2008. More

Plaintiff and defendant were married to each other on 28 March, 1998 in Macheke, Zimbabwe. Plaintiff was 23 and defendant was 35 at the time they got married. More

The plaintiff’s issued out summons in this court on 14 October 2010 seeking damages to the tune of US$8 500 emanating from an alleged assault on her by the first and second respondents during the course of their work as police officers. More

This is a court application for variation of a custody and access order. The applicant and respondent are ex-wife and ex-husband respectively; their divorce having been granted in 2019 by this Honorable Court. The applicant seeks variation for custody and access order previously granted. More