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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application by applicant to amend its declaration. The applicant instituted a claim against the respondents claiming refund of the purchase price the applicant paid to the first respondent through the third respondent in respect of the purchase price of a property purchased from the first respondent called Stand 1576 Ardbennie Township of Subdivision A of 5, 6 and 7 Block MM Ardbennie township. The second respondent was the Agent of the first respondent in the sale agreement and the applicant paid the full purchase price through the third respondent in terms of the agreement of sale More

This appeal concerns a mother who hid her young daughter’s friend from her parents who had been frantically searching for her everywhere. The two young friends had left the complainant’s residence and went to the appellant’s residence. Although she was confronted by the complainant’s parents regarding their daughter’s whereabouts, the appellant denied sheltering and secreting the victim away. More

The plaintiff approached court seeking that she be declared the owner of house number 64 Nzou Street, Rimuka Kadoma (hereinafter referred to as the property) and the eviction of the defendant. The defendant is defending the claim and challenges the relief sought. The application is well within the law in terms of s 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06] which empowers this court at the instance of an interested party to enquire into and determine any existing, future, or contingent right or obligation. The parties appeared in chambers on 12 September 2023 and given that the facts are... More

The plaintiff instituted action proceeding seeking the following order: 1. That the first, second and third defendant transfer Stand 121 Muchenje Drive Mbare to the plaintiff, failure of which the deputy sheriff was to be empowered to sign documents necessary for such cession to take place. More

The famed Nigerian author, feminist and motivational speaker Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie in one of her TED talks discussed an interesting topic titled, “The dangers of a single story”. She talked about how she was initially shaped by one narrative on life but she later realised how dangerous such a trajectory is. This matter epitomises such dangers when one party is so adamant that during the subsistence of the marriage, only one narrative matters and in the process completely misses the tenets of the Matrimonial Causes Act [Chapter 5:13]. More