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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
1. This is an application for bail pending appeal against both conviction and sentence. 2. On 29 September 2022 the applicant was convicted on a charge of criminal abuse of duty as a public officer as defined in s 174(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:28]. He was sentenced to 30 months imprisonment of which 6 months were suspended for 5 years on the usual conditions of good behaviour. 3. The Court found that during the period extending from November 2018 to September 2019 and at Chitungwiza Municipality the appellant, a Works Manager, acted contrary to... More

1. This is an appeal against both conviction and sentence. 2. It is pursuant to the appellant’s conviction on a charge of criminal abuse of duty as a public officer as defined in s 174(1) of the (Criminal Law (Codification and Reform ) Act [Chapter 9:28] and the sentence of thirty months imprisonment of which six months were suspended on the condition of good behaviour. 3. The trial court found that the appellant, an Acting Works Manager in the employ of Chitungwiza Municipality, acted contrary to or inconsistent with his duty by unlawfully approving a site plan in favour of... More

The defendants (who are the excipients in this matter) have excepted to the plaintiff’s (who is respondent) declaration and I have, to decide whether that exception has merit or not. More

The appellant appealed to this court seeking to have the convictions in respect of both counts quashed and the sentences set aside. In the event that this court upheld the convictions appellant sought to have the sentences imposed by the court a quo to be substituted by the imposition of nominal fines in respect of each count. More

On 14 October 2021 I removed this matter from the roll for urgent chamber applications because I considered it not urgent. I gave my reasons ex tempore in the presence of all parties. This court has been inundated by a glut of disputes arising fromvarious complex competing claims to stands situated atLot 12 Tynwald North owned by Mr & Mrs Sibindi. The Sibindis subdivided the property creating stands which they have sold to various persons. Unfortunately, there are numerous cases where the same stands have been sold many times over leaving claimants at each other’s throats while Mr Sibindi watches... More