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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for rescission of a judgment of this court entered in default in favour of the first respondent on 26 June 2008 in terms of which the eviction of the applicant and those claiming occupation through him from premises known as 1495 Chiwaridzo Township Bindura was ordered together with costs of suit. More

The appellant was convicted on 20 September 2010 of contravening section 65 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23]. He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment of which three years were suspended on condition of good behaviour. More

The applicant is a peregrinuslegal entity. It is incorporated according to the laws of the Democratic Republic of the Congo where it is domiciled. Its principal object is to carry on the business of transport contractors and general merchants, among others. More

The facts to the appeal were fairly straightforward. The appellant had filed an application for custody in the Magistrate’s Court, of his minor child born on 22 October 2020. The mother of the child was the respondent’s daughter, the now late Rutendo Natalie Eugenia Chanakira to whom the appellant was married to in an unregistered customary law union. She had been staying together with the appellant up until sometime in February 2022 when left the matrimonial home in light of domestic disenchantments. She had died some two weeks later. When she left the matrimonial home together with the child she... More

The parties were married to each other in terms of the Marriage Act [Chapter 37] on 27 September 1985. They have 5 children together all of whom are now majors. The plaintiff instituted proceedings for divorce on 17 June 2011 after almost 16 years of marriage. The matter before this court is premised on the joint pre-trial conference minute dated 10 October 2013. Two issues are for determination. The first issue is whether or not the marriage relationship has irretrievably broken down. The second issue is whether or not it is fair and just that the parties share the matrimonial... More