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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
I set HC 6264/21 down for hearing. The hearing was scheduled for 20 June, 2022. At the hearing, the applicant which was the respondent in the case raised a preliminary point. It did so through counsel. Its in limine matter was that the first respondent (“the respondent”) which was the applicant in the court a quo did not file its Heads within the dies which TSANGA J issued to the parties on 4 February, 2022. It insisted that the respondent was barred and could not, therefore, be heard until it unbarred itself. The respondent opposed the preliminary point which the... More

This is an appeal against a judgement of the Magistrate court sitting at Harare in which the appellant’s claim for the eviction of respondent from stand 3357 New Mabvuku also known as 44 Mubanga Street New Mabvuku Harare was dismissed by the court a quo. More

At the conclusion of the trial in this matter, and after the two defendants virtually abandoned their defences to the plaintiffs’ claims, I entered judgment in favour of the plaintiffs and said the reasons for doing so would follow. These are they. More

The OK Grand Challenge Jackpot promotion has become an exciting annual national event to many Zimbabweans as it affords many lucky winners a rare opportunity to win various prices ranging from motor vehicles, residential stands and an assortment of other items. It is an event which is aggressively advertised both in the print and electronic media. More

The applicant was a judge of the High Court until the 17 June 2021 when she was removed from office by the 1st respondent in terms of s 187(7) as read with s 187(8) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No 20) Act 2013 [ hereinafter the Constitution]. The respondents in this matter are the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe cited in his official capacity (1st respondent); Simbi Veke Mubako [Chairperson of the Tribunal which enquired into the question of applicant’s removal] (2nd respondent); Charles Warara [member of the Tribunal] (3rd respondent); Yvonne Masvora [member of Tribunal] (4th respondent);... More