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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application brought through the urgent chamber book wherein the applicant seeks an interim interdict temporarily halting the referral of the question of her removal as judge of the High Court to the 1st respondent in terms of s187(3) of the Constitution. In a nutshell the applicant’s position is that the contemplated referral is not only deeply flawed procedurally but also that if allowed to stand it will create a dangerous precedent in that it poses a serious threat to the independence of the judiciary. More

The applicant was employed by the respondent as its Chief Executive Officer. On 27 October 2010 he obtained an arbitral award against the respondent under the Labour Act [Cap 28:01] in the following terms: “In the final analysis therefore, I order that respondent pay the claimant as follows: 1. Backpay and benefits in the sum of US$19 384-09 2. Cash in lieu of leave 3. Sixty (60) months salary from 26 January 2010 as damages for loss of employment in the sum of US$60 540-00 4. Sixty (60) months salary as punitive damages in the sum of US$60 540-00 5.... More

In this application, the applicant seeks an order compelling the first respondent to sign documents necessary to transfer a property in SekeChitungwiza to him. He alleges that he purchased the said property from the first respondent and has produced an agreement of sale brokered by Moonwave Properties t/a Maps Asset Management which he says was signed by the parties. More

The applicants are husband and wife. They are married in terms of the customary law of Zimbabwe and have two children. More

The appellant in this matter, a claimant in the court a quo had claimed ownership of a Ford Transit motor vehicle registration No ACU 3159 through interpleader proceedings. The court a quo dismissed his claim and aggrieved by such a decision he appealed to this court. More