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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff issued summons out of this court on 21 March 2016 against the first and second defendants for the cancellation of an agreement of sale entered into by the first and second defendants for the sale of an immovable property known as stand number 972 Tshovani, Chiredzi ‘the property’ , eviction of the first defendant, payment of rentals in the sum of $25 800 collected by the first defendant, holding over damages from 1 April 2016 to the date of eviction of the first defendant at the rate of $300 a month and costs of suit on a legal... More

This is a case of a double sale of an immovable property known as stand Number 2657 Aspindale Gated Community “the property”. More

Some rules of this Honourable Court were not strictly complied with by the applicant in this application. The applicant is currently residing in the United States of America. Through a General Power of Attorney dated the 12th of June 2017 the applicant appointed and authorized the deponent to the founding affidavit to file this application on her behalf. The deponent to the founding affidavit Savie Munoriarwa filed this application on behalf of the applicant as a self- actor. That explained why some rules of this court were not strictly followed but be that as it may the application was substantially... More

On 11 March 2010 the plaintiff issued summons out of this court seeking the eviction of the defendant from stand 3667 Township of Gweru Township Lands. Whilst accepting that the plaintiff is the registered owner of the property the defendant resisted the prayer sought by the plaintiff on the basis that she had been invited and offered accommodation by the plaintiff as part of her employment by the plaintiff. The defendant also filed a counter claim where she alleged that as a result of her employment by the plaintiff from 1999-2009 she had accumulated the sum of $6 274-80 in... More

On 25 June 2021 plaintiff issued summons against defendant claiming: (a) a sum of US$140 000.00 or its Zimbabwe dollar equivalent being cost of replacing an immovable property No. 2657 Aspindale Gated Community, Harare measuring 200 square metres which plaintiff lost to a third party. (b) a sum of US$6 500.00 or its Zimbabwe dollar equivalent being money expended by plaintiff in legal fees when attempting to enforce the agreement entered into with defendant in case number HC 221/21. (c) interest at the prescribed rate calculated from date of judgment to date of full payment. (d) costs of suit on... More