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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicants had their property itemised in the draft order seized by the police pending the criminal proceedings in the Magistrates Court at Mount Darwin. The applicants had mounted a similar application before this court under case number HC3678/21 which the applicants failed to prosecute within the prescribed time frames. This saw the dismissal of the application for want of prosecution filed under case number HC 3731/22 by the respondents. The basis for the present application, according to the applicants is that the goods specified in the draft order are unlawfully held by the police. The applicants further alleged that... More

Esther Hodza-(“Esther”) and Steward Bank Limited (“Steward”) are parties to the current application.In February 2016,they entered into an agent-principal contract (“the contract”). More

Judges are public servants and as such they are not to complain about what lands on their plates. They must do justice always no matter the state of the case that is placed before them. I must however confess that the above matter is a dog’s breakfast. The parties have been to this court on at least five occasions and may have appeared before the magistrate courts once or twice before. The dispute between them has not been put to rest up to now and I now have to unravel the orders and counter-orders that this court has given on... More

The plaintiff sued out summons for the division of immovable property acquired by the parties during the subsistence of their tacit universal partnership. Alternatively, the division of the immovable property acquired during the subsistence of the parties’ unregistered customary law union based on unjust enrichment. In opposition to the claim the defendant filed a special plea, that the claim is prescribed. More

This is an appeal against a decision by the magistrates’ court in which the appellant had made an application for upward variation of maintenance in respect of the child Makomborero Setu Andre Mhiribidi from the subsisting amount of ZW$ 10 000.00 to ZW$ 50 000.00. The court a quo varied the amount of maintenance to ZW$ 25 000.00. The appellant and the respondent were in a relationship which led to the birth of the child in question on 23 October 2018. More